International Joint Ventures and Merger & Acquisitions
Entering a new market or expanding a business usually comes with quite a lot of pressure. Franchising could be a relatively more attractive option for business growth as the promoters (owner of successful business or a brand) can increase their reach and scale up the operations without taking on huge investment burden or financial liability.
We work with ambitious brands & business owners from around the world in finding suitable franchisee opportunities in an alien market. Our clients leverage our in-depth sectoral knowledge and our full-service approach that begins with evaluation of brand’s potential to structuring & preparation of documents to finding the right likeminded companies and strategically appointing a master or multiple franchisees as the case may be. We support your brand throughout the growth journey from first couple of units to way up to hundreds of units and operating locations. While we do hold expertise in converting concept to big franchise brand, we also help legacy brands from across the sectors looking to target new market and advising them before investing in fresh initiatives.
ILOC Value Proposition:
The journey of building a global franchise brand could be complex but quite rewarding when done properly with a combination of right legal structure, business model, people and planning.
Franchise Agreement:
Whether you are a franchisor or a franchisee, the franchise agreement is one of the most important documents that you would encounter as it lays out all the terms and conditions of your relationship with the counterpart – the terms that would probably last for years and that could be used as base to terminate the franchise.
If you enter the agreement without properly scrutinizing the terms, you will be agreeing blindly to a relationship that would dictate how your business operates. Our experts not only help you find right franchisor or franchisee, but we also help you with structuring and negotiating this crucial agreement and protect your interest & future.
Franchising Process:
The process is completed in 6 steps as below:
Thank you for your interest. Write to us with your inquiries, questions or request a meeting with an expert to discuss your potential franchising business plan. Our team would review the form and revert back shortly.